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Pro-Series L-Taurine
L-Taurine is an amino acid which fills many roles in metabolism. But for athletes, its key function is that of transporter. L-Taurine assists the transport of electrolytes into the muscle cell, which must occur for hydration to take place. It may also assist muscular uptake of amino acids and creatine, making it a particularly valuable performance booster.

L-Taurine is most commonly used by athletes as an addition to pre / intra / post workout drinks to assist the transport of minerals, thereby improving hydration - this in turn increases protein synthesis, prevents catabolism, and increases energy and endurance.

Taurine may also be a valuable addition to Creatine or amino acid/ BCAA supplements.

Ingredients: 100% pure L-Taurine. Contains no flavours, colours, emulsifiers or additives. Contains no banned substances.

Availability - Powder, unflavoured; 100g (100 serves), and 300g (300 serves).